Is it fair to use steroids?

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กรุณาปิด โปรแกรมบล๊อกโฆษณา เพราะเราอยู่ได้ด้วยโฆษณาที่ท่านเห็น
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16 ก.ย. 2022
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  • #1

Is it fair to use steroids? If so, which ones are better to choose for yourself?

กรุณาปิด โปรแกรมบล๊อกโฆษณา เพราะเราอยู่ได้ด้วยโฆษณาที่ท่านเห็น
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If you are going to use steroids, then know that the road to the Olympics is closed to you.

Otherwise, I think there is nothing wrong with wanting to get a perfect body sooner than without using steroids. For example, you can buy injectable steroids online in the same place where I buy them. It turned out to be more than useful for me and therefore I advise you to try it as well. Good luck to you, friends!


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